Not everyone in the home can communicate verbally so we spent time observing people who use the service to see what effect the environment and staff interactions had on peoples' wellbeing. People told us that staff were kind and respected their privacy.
One person commented, 'They ask you about what you want to eat. You're free to do what you want to do'. Another person commented, 'I'm reasonably happy here. We are given all the things to eat and drink'.
People told us that staff would knock on their door before entering their room.
People also confirmed that they attended regular meetings with the manager to talk about any issues in the home.
We observed staff supporting people in a friendly and professional way and saw that people were being offered choice with regard to menus and activities.
We saw photos around the home of people engaging in activities and trips out of the home.
Staff we interviewed were able to give us examples of how they maintained peoples' dignity, privacy, independence and how they offered choices to people on a daily basis.
We asked people who use the service what they thought about the care and treatment they received at the service. They generally responded positively and said they felt supported by the staff team and that they were included in decisions about their care as far as possible. One person commented, 'They treat you like a human being'.
We observed that the way staff were supporting people in the home had a positive effect on their well being.
Staff we interviewed had a good understanding of the needs of the people they supported.
People who use the service indicated to us that they felt safe with the staff at the home.
Comments included, 'There is no abuse. It really is a nice home' and 'there's nothing to worry about'.
People who use the service told us that they could talk to the staff if they had any concerns. One person commented, 'I would talk to the lady in charge'.
Staff we interviewed were aware of the different types of abuse that can happen to people in a care setting.
Staff were also able to give us examples of signs they would look out for that may indicate a person may be being abused. Staff told us that if they ever suspected abuse was taking place they would inform the manager immediately.
People who use the service indicated that they were happy with the staff who support them. We observed friendly and supportive interactions between staff and people living at the home.
Comments about staff included, 'The staff are marvellous, they are very polite' and 'Staff are nice, there are no problems with them'.
We observed staff being appropriately supported by the management so that they could provide for the care needs of the people who use the service.
People who use the service were positive about the quality of care they receive at Abbeydale Residential Care Home.
Comments included, 'They know what they're doing' and 'The staff are very good'.