Updated 18 January 2019
Western Counselling provides residential rehabilitation for people with drug and alcohol problems using the 12-step model of treatment (a structured, abstinence based model). The service also offers medically supervised detoxification for clients who were assessed as low risk. Most people are funded by their home local authority but the service also admits self-funding clients. The service takes people from the age of 17, and has a specialist young person’s counsellor in post.
Western Counselling is registered to provide accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance misuse and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. There is a new registered manager in post.
Western Counselling operates from two locations:
• Whitecross House: the treatment centre which holds groups, one to one therapy sessions and doctor’s appointments.
• Meijer House: residential accommodation with capacity for 23 people. There are currently eight female beds in one half of the property and 15 male beds in the other half. At the time of the inspection there were 10 people in residence.
Our previous comprehensive inspection of Western Counselling Services was in November 2016. We did not rate the service at that time. At that inspection, we told the provider they must:
- ensure that all prescription/medicine administration records are signed by a doctor
- ensure that clients are fully informed when methadone is given in tablet form, rather than liquid (as per national guidelines) and should ensure the clients understand the reason for its use and their consent is sought.
- ensure that medicines are administered from their original packaging from the dispensing pharmacy.
On 10 May 2018 we undertook an unannounced, focused inspection to see whether the provider had made the required improvements. We found the improvements had been made.