- Care home
Registration details
The location ID for Eastfield is 1-149411389.
CQC register Eastfield to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Eastfield is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Residential homes
Service specialism
- Caring for adults over 65 yrs
- Dementia
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register Eastfield to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Mrs Alexandra Thurlby is responsible for these services.
Mrs Lauren Georgina Traveller is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must only accommodate a maximum of 43 service users at Eastfield.
The Registered Provider must not provide nursing care under accommodation for persons who require personal or nursing care at Eastfield.
A. The registered provider must not accept new admissions for service users without the prior written agreement of the Care Quality Commission. This includes any respite care packages, existing service users who are discharged from hospital and return to Eastfield.
B. The registered provider must ensure that all service users’ care plans and risk assessments are reviewed including care needs relating to medicines, behaviours of distress, skin integrity and pressure damage, social isolation, consent, oral care, constipation, catheter care, medication, epilepsy, treating service users with dignity and respect, and mobility and falls. A report demonstrating what actions you have taken to ensure service users’ needs can be met must be submitted to the Commission within two working days of the date of this notice, for all service users.
C. The registered provider must ensure effective quality assurance processes are established and implemented to improve the way you assess, monitor and improve the quality of the service and protect service users from the risk of harm, this includes, how you ensure staff, including the registered manager are trained and competent to carry of their role.
For condition C above, the registered provider shall report to the Care Quality Commission describing the system in place for effective management of assessing, monitoring and improving the quality and safety of the service within five working days of the date of this notice. Thereafter, the registered provider must send a report to the Commission on the first day of each month with details of completed quality monitoring audits and checks. This must include areas covered, shortfalls identified at the service, your findings, and any responsive actions, clearly identifying who is responsible and the timescales for this.