The inspection was carried out on 26 October and was unannounced.
The service provides care for older people some of whom can no longer care for themselves at home or who have a diagnosis of dementia. Eastfield is a homely, warm and welcoming residential home with a positive and friendly atmosphere. At the time of our inspection the service was providing support to 43 people and had no vacancies.
There was a registered manager employed at the home. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the home. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the home is run.
All the staff were very committed to providing person centred individualised care. Staff at the home were open to trying new ways of caring for people with dementia, such as using Ambient Odour sessions which has also benefited everyone else living at the home.
Staff were very aware of each person’s potential and encouraged everyone to maintain and build on their independence. All staff were really engaged with all the people living at the home, they were caring and sensitive to their needs.
The registered manager supported all the staff, making sure that staff had the opportunity to share ideas or concerns and issues. Staff spoken to said that the manager always has time to listen to them and they feel part of the larger team. We found that all the staff were committed to providing the best service they can. Staff said that there is always a good atmosphere, and it is a happy place to work, their positive attitude was also picked up by the people they are looking after. There were so many smiling faces during our inspection.
There was enough staff to meet people’s needs and to ensure they were able to access activities in and out of the home. The provider operated safe and robust recruitment and selection procedures. The manager also asks some of the residents to meet w recruits and give their opinion.
Staff protected people’s privacy and dignity. All communications between staff and people were caring and respectful. Staff were patient, kind and compassionate. It was apparent that the people were extremely fond of all the staff, there was lots of eye contact and appropriate touching such as holding someone’s hand, people were obviously comfortable and happy talking to the staff.
We saw that staff had learnt from previous safeguarding, for example we saw new measures had been introduced to audit the medicine administration more effectively to keep people safe. There were very comprehensive audits carried out by the management team to ensure the high quality of the service was being preserved.
Records and conversation with the registered manager, staff and relatives showed that people were listened to and complaints or concerns were taken seriously and responded to appropriately. There was a clear complaints procedure which was available in people’s rooms and another copy was available on the notice board.
Each member of staff had received training to make sure that they had the skills and understanding to carry out their job role safely. All staff were given the understanding to work with people who have a diagnosis of dementia no matter what their job role was. We saw that staff training was up to date and refresher courses had been booked in a timely way. Each member of staff at regular supervision, and they also had an annual appraisal.
Staff had received training in Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) to make sure they understood how to protect people’s rights. There were guidance in relation MCA and people were asked for their consent before staff carried out any care or treatment. CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to care homes. The registered manager and staff ensured that people were supported in ways that did not restrict their freedom and were looked after appropriately.
All of the comments about the food were excellent. Food was all home cooked and much of the food was locally sourced. Staff supported people with dementia exceptionally well to maintain their health by ensuring people had enough to eat and drink. They found ways of making sure people who were reluctant to sit and eat had food items and drinks available that they could pick up, eat and drink whilst walking around the home. People’s food and drink intake was monitored closely by the staff and when there were concerns, staff responded quickly trying new ways to temp the person to eat.
The registered manager had looked at different ways to enhance people's lives in the home. They had taken the advice from care professionals and looked at new innovative ways of minimising for example disruptive behaviour at certain times of the day. Staff had worked with the registered manager on implementing new ways to improve the standard of living for all the people. Staff were very enthusiastic about what they had been able to do to improve people's lives.
People who used the service, family members and external agencies were highly complementary about the standard of care provided. The registered manager involved families and other agencies to ensure people received the support they needed to express their views and make decisions that were in their best interests.
Activities were a very important part of what happened in the home on a daily basis. We saw different activities happening, appealing to different interests or abilities of the individual. We saw people being encouraged and supported to engage with the activities they wished to part of. The Friends of Eastfield often help with activities by arranging themed nights. Outings were very much looked forward to, and staff told us they are always trying to think of new suitable places to go.
The registered manager used effective systems to continually monitor the quality of the service and had ongoing plans for improving the service people received. The provider gathered information about the quality of their service from a variety of sources including people who used the service, their family and friends and external agencies. This was used to enable the registered manager to identify where improvement was needed and to implement and sustain continuous improvements.