During an assessment under our new approach
People’s care records demonstrated where needed appropriate monitoring was taking place in response to any risks. People had access to healthcare and were able to see a GP if needed. Staff worked with various healthcare professionals who visited the service. Staff were aware of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and how it applied to their work. Governance systems helped identify improvements needed and a service improvement plan was in place. The provider had various policies for workforce equality, diversity and inclusion and if needed reasonable adjustments could be provided to support staff.
Staff told us they enjoyed working for the provider, however, some staff told us they did not always find the registered manager approachable and at times they did not feel they were listened to. Some staff told us they had raised concerns which had not been addressed. Staff told us they did not feel there was consistent good teamwork. Staff told us it depended on who was working. The provider told us they had carried out a staff survey prior our assessment and were waiting on results. Any concerns raised by staff would be addressed.