Updated 14 June 2024
We carried out this onsite, announced assessment on 13 November 2024 We found the practice had not met all regulations. Recruitment procedures did not always reflect current legislation. Processes to ensure effective leadership and a culture of continuous improvement were not established. Patients were treated with dignity and respect and at the time of our assessment, could access care, support and treatment when required. Patients’ care and treatment was provided in line with current guidance and infection control procedures were in place. Systems to manage risks were not always effective or reflective of procedures at the service. This service is registered with CQC under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 in respect of some, but not all, of the services it provides. There are some exemptions from regulation by CQC which relate to particular types of regulated activities and services and these are set out in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. The service provides surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments, some of which are not in-scope such as certain facial aesthetics procedures. The practice is in Buxton, Derbyshire and provides NHS and private dental care and treatment for adults and children. The practice was accessed via stairs so was not accessible for people in wheelchairs or those with reduced mobility. Public car parking spaces, including dedicated parking for disabled people, were available near the practice. The practice had 3 treatment rooms. During the assessment we spoke with 2 dentists, 2 dental nurses, 2 receptionists and the practice manager. The provider was not complying with 1 regulation. Full details of the regulation the provider was not meeting are within the quality statement section of the report. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment.