- Homecare service
Purple Care TM
Report from 2 September 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Person-centred Care
- Care provision, Integration and continuity
- Providing Information
- Listening to and involving people
- Equity in access
- Equity in experiences and outcomes
- Planning for the future
People received care and support based on their individual care and support needs and protected characteristics under the Equality Act. Peoples social, cultural and religious needs were assessed and met, including preferences and routines. People had a core staff team who supported them, enabling consistency and continuity of care. Information had been provided in ‘easy read’ format to support people and people were supported to access independent advocacy services if required. The provider’s complaints procedure had been made available to people using the service and others. People had equal access to services and support. The provider had data protection procedures in place that reflected current legislation. At the time of the assessment, no person was at end of life care. The management team were aware of the importance of planning for future care, including end of care and this was an area for development. People were being supported to achieve personal goals and future planning.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Person-centred Care
People received care and support that was based on their individual care and support needs, preferences and routines. Overall, relatives were confident their loved ones individual care and support needs were known and understood by staff. A relative said, “Yes, it is (needs known). The staff know [name] so well. They can read their behaviour like I can.” The provider was aware of some relatives concerns and were working with relatives and external professionals to address these.
Staff spoke confidently and were knowledgeable about the people they cared for, confirming how well they understood people’s individual care and support needs. Staff understood the importance of person centred care. A staff member said, “Person centred care means seeing each person as different and knowing what their needs are. People are individuals."
Our observations of staff engagement with people were positive. Staff were attentive, responsive and promoted choice and control. Care and support were based on people’s induvial needs, routines and preferences.
Care provision, Integration and continuity
People received consistent care and support. Overall, feedback from relatives was positive about the consistent care and support their loved one received and the multi-disciplinary approach the management team had developed with external professionals. The provider was aware of some relatives concerns and were working with relatives and external professionals to address these.
Staff confirmed they supported the same person, and this enabled consistency and continuity in the care and support the person received. Staff told us how they worked with external professionals to support people to live active and fulfilling lives.
Feedback from external professionals were consistently positive about how well the service had an integrated approach to care delivery. A professional said, “The MDT are amazed how well the placement is going, [Name] has come on leaps and bounds. The space / environment is fantastic for [name]. The staff team are able to recognise and understand [name] regulated behaviours (a person’s regular and expected patterns of actions, thoughts and emotions) and the periods of deregulation has greatly reduced."
The provider had systems and processes that supported people to receive consistent care and support. This included processes to share information with external professionals and agencies to ensure important information was known, understood, and could support consistency and continuity. The provider had developed a positive and professional working relationship with external professionals and agencies and this collaborative approach ensured effective and responsive care.
Providing Information
Relatives confirmed their loved ones communication needs had been assessed and were being met by staff. Overall, relatives were positive about how information was provided and shared. The provider was aware of some relatives concerns and were working with relatives and external professionals to address these.
Staff showed a good understanding of people’s individual communication needs. This included giving examples of people’s different communication preferences and staff referred to people’s communication care plans. Staff told us how information was treated confidentially.
The provider had a data protection policy and procedure and understood their responsibilities under the Accessible information standards. Information was provided in easy read to support people such as tenancy agreements, safeguarding and complaints.
Listening to and involving people
People’s relatives received opportunities to share their experience of the service on behalf of their loved one via an annual customer survey. A relative provided the following feedback to a survey that invited feedback during March and June 2024. “[Name] have attended the farm for a short period of time, and we could not praise all the staff and managers enough, as they all do a wonderful job in providing an excellent service. It’s great to see [name] smiling and participating in a variety of activities, especially swimming and using the hot tub. We finally feel reassured that [name] now resides in the best place, surrounded by many warm, caring, and compassionate people that have people’s best interests at heart. The provider is very approachable and always full of innovative ideas, as to what people or staff require."
Staff told us how they ensured people were involved as fully as possible in their care and support. A staff member said, “We are constantly offering day to day choices and respecting and supporting people’s wishes.” Staff told us they felt listened to and valued and could receive opportunities to share their experience of working at the service.
The provider had systems and processes that enabled people and their relatives, including staff and external professionals to share their experience about the service. The management team had a positive approach to feedback and the benefit of this in further developing the service. This included an annual survey; We reviewed a customer survey feedback dated 2024. The registered manager and provider reviewed feedback received and developed an action plan and identified improvements were required in questions asked to get a broader response. The management team had also encouraged staff to provide feedback and had tried several methods to support staff to share their feedback. Staff supervision and meetings were also used as additional methods to seek feedback from staff. Whilst people were unable to provide direct feedback about the care and support, they received, staff and the management team used observations and reviews of care records to understand people’s experience and response to the care and support they received. The provider had a complaints policy, and we saw how complaints received had been investigated and responded to.
Equity in access
Feedback from relatives confirmed access to care and support was available to all. No issues or concerns were raised about discrimination. People had individual tenancies and accessed all parts of their properties and were supported to maintain a safe environment.
Staff confirmed people had equal access to care and support, including all areas of the service. Staff were aware of people’s individual care and support needs, routines and preferences, including people’s protected characteristics.
People’s individual care and treatment needs were assessed before they transferred to the service. This included consideration of any protected characteristics and any adjustments required. This protected people from discrimination. The management team and staff had a positive and proactive approach and ensured people had equal access to the care, support and opportunities within the service and community.
Equity in experiences and outcomes
Overall, relatives were positive their loved one experienced positive outcomes. A relative said, “Everything is running really smoothly. If there was anything wrong, I’d say, but [name] is in the best place.” The provider was aware of some relatives concerns and were working with relatives and external professionals to address these.
Staff were confident people did not experience any inequalities; they gave examples of how people were supported to achieve positive outcomes. Examples included, how people were supported to access health services and community opportunities as others.
The provider had systems and processes that monitored people’s progression and outcomes. People’s care plans and records confirmed how people’s care and support was provided, monitored and reviewed. Goals and aspirations were recorded, planned for and reviewed.
Planning for the future
Overall, relatives were positive that their loved ones complex needs were known, understood and well met. The provider was aware of some relatives concerns and were working with relatives and external professionals to address these.
Staff confirmed they received ongoing training and support, including additional training from external professionals, to support them in meeting people’s complex care and support needs. Staff told us about how they supported people to develop their independence, choice making and to achieve positive outcomes. A staff member told us how some people had not been in their tenancies long, but due the environment and level of support provided, this enabled people to have less restrictions and new opportunities.
No person using the service was receiving end of life care. However, staff had received end of life care training, and the management team understood the importance of planning for future care and was an area they were reviewing. The management team had a positive approach to progression and opportunities to support people to develop.