During a routine inspection
Age Concern Liverpool is a domiciliary care agency which provides personal care and community support such as shopping and domestic duties to adults. The main office for the agency is located in Southport and provides a service to people in Sefton and Liverpool.
At the time of our inspection the agency provided personal care for nine people while the remaining people received domestic duties and personal shopping.
There was a registered manager in post who was supported by a Board of Trustees, a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and a team of senior managers. We found that that there was a stable staff team that provided care and support to older, vulnerable people.
All the people who used this agency were fully assessed before the service started and each had a care plan that was regularly updated to reflect any changing needs.
The staff recruitment process was robust with all the legal checks completed before staff started to work in the home. This ensured only suitable people were employed to provide care for vulnerable adults with differing needs. All new staff completed a full induction programme and were assisted with their professional development through supervision and a staff training programme.
Details of medication were recorded and administered in line with the organisation’s policy and procedure. Staff were trained in safe handling of medication.
We found that there were sufficient experienced and/or qualified staff to provide appropriate care and support to older people in their own homes.