Updated 26 February 2019
Dr Affia Okoreaffia (also known as Athena Medical Centre) is a practice based in Hackney, London, and serves a population of approximately 4,800 patients. The practice is based in an ethnically diverse area (with 47.7% of patients identifying as white, 15.4% as Asian/Asian British, 26.2% as Black/African/Caribbean/Black British, 6.6% as mixed ethnic groups and 4% as other ethnic groups).
There is a principal GP, one salaried GP and two long-term locums at the practice (two male and two female doctors in total). The practice also employs two full-time practice nurses, one of whom is an advanced nurse practitioner who is qualified as an independent prescriber. There is a practice manager, and five administrative and reception staff. In total, the practice offered 25 GP sessions per week.
The practice is open from 8am to 6:30pm, Monday to Friday. Appointments are available from 9am to 1pm, every weekday morning, and from 4pm to 6pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Mondays and Wednesdays, GP and nurse appointments are also available between 6:30pm and 8pm.
When the practice is closed, patients are re-directed to a contracted out-of-hours service.
The practice has a slightly lower percentage than the national average of people with a long-standing health conditions (34% compared to a national average of 51%). It has a higher percentage of unemployed people compared to the national average (11% compared to 4%). The average male and female life expectancy for the CCG area and the practice is in line with the national average for both males and females.
Information published by Public Health England, rates the level of deprivation within the practice population group as two, on a scale of one to ten. Level one represents the highest levels of deprivation and level ten the lowest. This information also shows that Income Deprivation Affecting Older People is 42% which is the same as the clinical commissioning group (CCG) average but significantly higher than the national average of 20%. Income Deprivation Affecting Children is 33% which is the same as the CCG average and above the national average of 20%.
The practice is registered to provide diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures and for the treatment of disease, disorder or injury.