Updated 4 December 2018
Waddesdon Surgery is a semi-rural dispensing practice located in the village of Waddesdon in Buckinghamshire and provides general medical services to approximately 5,400 registered patients. The practice is one of the practices within Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
Services are provided from one location:
- Waddesdon Surgery, Goss Avenue, Waddesdon, Buckinghamshire HP18 0LY
The practice website is:
- www.waddesdonsurgery.nhs.uk/
According to national data there is minimal deprivation in Buckinghamshire, specifically the Waddesdon and the surrounding areas have high levels of affluence, low levels of deprivation and little ethnic diversity. The practice population has a higher proportion of patients aged 45 and over when compared to the national average. The prevalence of patients with a long-term health problem is 54%, similar to the local average (53%) and the national average (54%).
The practice was able to offer dispensing services to those patients on the practice list who lived more than one mile (1.6km) from their nearest pharmacy.
Care and treatment is delivered by three GP Partners and one Salaried GP (two female and two male in total), an advanced nurse prescriber, a practice nurse and a health care assistant who is also a phlebotomist. One of the GPs is the designated dispensary lead and the dispensary team consists of a lead dispenser and five dispensers.
A practice manager, deputy practice manager and a team of reception and administrative staff undertake the day to day management and running of the practice.
The practice has core opening hours between 8am and 6.30pm every weekday. Extended hours appointments are available on a Wednesday evening until 8pm. The dispensary has core opening hours between 8am and 6.30pm every weekday.
Patients at the practice could access improved access appointments at primary care access hubs across Buckinghamshire. These improved access appointments were booked via the patients registered practice and offered a variety of appointments including up until 8pm Monday to Friday, selected hours on Saturdays and 9am until 1pm on Sunday and Bank Holidays.
Out of hours care is accessed by contacting NHS 111.
The practice is registered by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to carry out the following regulated activities: Maternity and midwifery services, Family planning, Treatment of disease, disorder or injury, Surgical procedures and Diagnostic and screening procedures.