• Organisation

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect

Important: Services have been transferred to this provider from another provider
Important: Services have been transferred to this provider from another provider
Important: Services have been transferred to this provider from another provider

We have suspended the ratings on this page while we investigate concerns about this provider. We will publish ratings here once we have completed this investigation.


We have published a rapid review of Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and an assessment of progress made at Rampton Hospital since the most recent CQC inspection activity.

See older reports in alternative formats:

Important: We are carrying out checks on locations registered by this provider. We will publish the reports when our checks are complete.

Report from 12 February 2025 assessment

Ratings - Specialist community mental health services for children and young people

  • Overall


  • Safe

    Requires improvement

  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Date of Assessment: 26 and 27 November 2024

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust provide specialist community-based mental health services for children and young people across four bases at Pebble Bridge in Nottingham, Lindsay Close in Mansfield, 65 Northgate in Newark-on-Trent and the Langold Clinic in Worksop. However, most of the work takes place in the community. During this assessment we assessed the sites at Pebble Bridge and Lindsay Close. The services last inspection report was published December 2015. The report was published following CQC’s old inspection approach using key lines of enquiry (KLOEs), prompts and ratings characteristics. This assessment has been completed following the Care Quality Commission (CQC) new approach to assessment; Single Assessment Framework (SAF). This was an unannounced assessment, which means the provider was not told an assessment was going to be starting beforehand. During this assessment we looked at all quality statements across 1 key question: Assessing needs, Delivering evidence-based care and treatment, How staff, teams and services work together, Supporting people to live healthier lives, Monitoring and improving outcomes and Consent to care and treatment. As we assessed all the quality statement for effective at this visit it means the rating for this key question reflects the findings from this report. As we did not assess the other key questions the ratings from the previous inspection will be used to rate the key questions safe, caring, responsive and well-led. The service is made up of various clinicians, who worked alongside other partners.

People's experience of this service

During this assessment we spoke with 2 young people, 9 carers of young people receiving care and reviewed 10 care and treatment records. Both young people and their carers felt involved in the care and treatment plan development and reviews. Young people’s views and preferences were considered and where possible staff catered for individual choices, likes and dislikes.