• Care Home
  • Care home

Silverwood (Rotherham)

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Flanderwell Lane, Sunnyside, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S66 3QT (01709) 532022

Provided and run by:
HC-One Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Report from 18 March 2024 assessment

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Updated 15 August 2024

Care was managed by skilled and committed managers who addressed any concerns and mistakes in an open, honest, positive and proactive way. Staff had clear responsibilities, roles, systems of accountability and good governance. There was a positive and open culture at the service and the registered manager worked to continuously improve the service. The provider had a clear management structure that monitored the quality of care to drive improvements in service delivery. People and staff were involved in the running of the service. The provider had created a learning culture in the service which improved the care people received and promoted an open, fair culture. Staff supported people in a person-centred way and understood people’s protected characteristics. The team worked collaboratively with partner professionals and agencies.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

Staff and managers were aware of the provider’s values and shared a common vision for the service. Staff told us they felt supported and listened to by their managers. One staff member told us, “We work well as a team. The managers are lovely. This is people’s home, and we try to make it the best it can be for them.”

The service had a clear statement of purpose and description of the values which the staff team aimed to work in line with. Staff had opportunities to attend meetings and training sessions, which supported good communication in the team. There was a supportive and inclusive culture, and equality and diversity were respected and celebrated.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Managers had a good understanding of their regulatory responsibilities. They were enthusiastic about their work and open to feedback and learning. The registered manager felt supported in their role, and staff spoke positively about the leadership in the service. Staff valued the management team and felt they were approachable and competent leaders. Staff told us they felt listened to.

A range of audits were carried out to provide oversight of risk and improvement within the service. This included oversight of the culture within the service, including out of hours visits by managers. The relationships we saw between people, their visitors and staff were warm and friendly. The atmosphere in the service was calm and relaxed.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Staff knew how to raise concerns and told us they felt comfortable to do so if needed. One staff member said, “I would always tell my managers if I had any concerns. They always listen to what you say and deal with things.”

The management team sought feedback about the service through surveys, meetings and reviews, involving people, those close to them, staff and other professionals. The provider had clear information in place for people and for staff on how to raise concerns, including clear complaints and whistle blowing policies.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

Staff told us the management team created and supported an inclusive, respectful culture in the service. Our observations supported this.

The provider had clear policies and procedures in place regarding equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights. It was evident the management team followed these so that staff with protected characteristics were supported appropriately and protected from discrimination.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

The registered manager had a good understanding of their responsibilities and explained how they maintained oversight of people’s care. Members of the management team told us there was a clear audit structure in place to make sure key areas of risk were regularly reviewed. Staff were regularly involved in staff meetings and told us they had opportunities to discuss their ideas, opinions and contribute to the governance of the service. They told us they were kept informed of audit outcomes and ongoing actions to improve the service.

The provider had quality assurance systems to oversee and manage the quality and safety of the service. Members of the management and staff team were involved in carrying out a range of audits and checks covering all aspects of the service. There was good coordination of audits and checks, and findings were shared and discussed with staff. Staff fed back daily about any changes in people's support needs or issues via meetings and handovers, which were recorded and monitored.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

Relatives said they felt included and treated as partners in people’s care. People and relatives told us they could access different services as and when needed. One relative said, “I am asked to the review and am I available for going through the care plan, I went with a list of things we wanted to clarify and things were dealt with, 1 or 2 actions. All on the list had been addressed.”

Staff explained they worked with healthcare and social care services in the local area to help support people’s needs. The wellbeing staff told us of how they encouraged the involvement of people’s families, neighbours and groups in the local community.

We received positive feedback about the service from partner professionals. One health care professional told us, “On a whole the management of the home appears to be good, with issues being addressed quickly from pressure care, to deterioration of a resident's health both physical/ mental. Carers are trying to refer to services where they can, something they would heavily rely on us before. The care staff appear to be kind and compassionate with both residents and their families which I feel is important.”

The service worked with a range of partners and had established links with the local services and the local community. Staff worked with a range of healthcare services and hospitals and community organisations such as local places of worship and schools.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

Staff spoke positively about of the provider and the management team in the service. One staff member said, “Our managers want the best for people. I enjoy coming to work. We’re a good team."

The registered manager had a good oversight of the action plans in the service and priorities for improvement. They made sure staff received ongoing support and training in their roles and promoted a positive, team culture. The registered manager’s response to recent incidents was open and honest and demonstrated a willingness to implement learning to avoid similar incidents in the future.