Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Report from 6 March 2025 assessment
Ratings - Community-based mental health services for adults of working age
Our view of the service
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust delivers a range of community-based services to the people of Lincolnshire. The Trust’s community mental health teams were last rated as Good during our inspection in October 2018, published 16 January 2019. We inspected these community-based mental health services for adults of working age as part of our ongoing comprehensive mental health inspection programme. The report was published following CQC’s old inspection approach using key lines of enquiry (KLOEs), prompts and ratings characteristics. This assessment was completed following CQC’s new approach to assessment; Single Assessment Framework (SAF).
We carried out our on-site responsive assessment on 21st November 2024. This was an unannounced focused assessment in response to concerns received about the service. The service was not told that an assessment was going to take place. During this assessment we inspected one quality statement under safe, one under effective and one under caring. At this assessment we rated the service as good as this service is performing well and meeting our expectations
People's experience of this service
We found that people felt safe and supported by the community team. Staff treated them with dignity and respect and offered home and community visits scheduled to meet people’s needs, and people were encouraged to be involved in their care and treatment. Staff supported them to manage their health and encouraged people to make informed choices about their medication and optional therapy sessions. People said that they felt staff saw them as individuals with their own needs and preferences providing them with bespoke care.
People felt they were supported to be as independent as possible having both choice and control around their treatment. People felt they were encouraged to involve family and people who knew them well in their care and treatment planning.
People said they felt listened to and were encouraged to provide feedback on their experience of care within the service. Allowing them to make changes and amend decisions within their care where appropriate. People felt that the community team involved in their care were trained to a high standard and worked well together.
People were also supported to access translation services and were provided with information to external resources to help capture their voice, needs and preferences. Printed information regarding their care, treatment and external resources were available in multiple formats.
People were aware of weekend and out of hours services and staff provided printed patient information and appropriate signposting to external resources which were available in multiple formats to meet individual needs.